AMERICA ... we love to put people in prison!
(too old to reply)
2011-07-08 01:18:20 UTC
The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population.
But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners.

Americans are locked up for crimes — from writing bad checks to using
drugs — that would rarely produce prison sentences in other countries.
And in particular they are kept incarcerated far longer than prisoners in
other nations.


(And by the way, don't raise our fucking taxes!)


Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
2011-07-08 03:35:40 UTC
On Thu, 7 Jul 2011 18:18:20 -0700, "**Bigstick**"
Post by **Bigstick**
The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population.
But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners.
Americans are locked up for crimes — from writing bad checks to using
drugs — that would rarely produce prison sentences in other countries.
And in particular they are kept incarcerated far longer than prisoners in
other nations.
(And by the way, don't raise our fucking taxes!)
Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
You are as clueless about what being a Christian is as are the
idiotic people you criticize.


For Pisano so loved the girl, he gave her their only begotten son,
that the love they shared should not perish, but have everlasting
2011-07-08 04:29:20 UTC
Post by Pisano
You are as clueless about what being a Christian is as are the
idiotic people you criticize.
Please Explain.

Because last time I checked, America was a Christian Nation.
You know ... the Christians that burned people at the stake for being a
Or the Christians / Spaniards that invaded South America and Mexico.
You know ... the Inquisition.

This is history.
You can't re-write history.
I know it's ugly ... but fucking grow up.


Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
2011-07-08 04:52:20 UTC
On Thu, 7 Jul 2011 21:29:20 -0700, "**Bigstick**"
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by Pisano
You are as clueless about what being a Christian is as are the
idiotic people you criticize.
Please Explain.
I should not have to explain something already so obviously
Post by **Bigstick**
Because last time I checked, America was a Christian Nation.
You know ... the Christians that burned people at the stake for being a
Or the Christians / Spaniards that invaded South America and Mexico.
You know ... the Inquisition.
This is history.
You can't re-write history.
I know it's ugly ... but fucking grow up.
Yes, and George Bush claimed to be a Christian while murdering
millions of innocent people.

Is really that what you think Christians do?

If so, then you're far less intelligent than you think you
Post by **Bigstick**
Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
If I claimed to be a negro, would that make my skin turn dark?

How many legs does a dog have, if you call his tail a leg?


"At a place named Inmestar, situated between Chalcis and Antioch in
Syria, the Jews were amusing themselves in their usual way with a
variety of sports. In this way they indulged in many absurdities, and
at length impelled by drunkenness they were guilty of scoffing at
Christians and even Christ himself; and in derision of the cross and
those who put their trust in the Crucified One, they seized a
Christian boy, and having bound him to a cross, began to laugh and
sneer at him. But in a little while becoming so transported with fury,
they scourged the child until he died under their hands. This conduct
occasioned a sharp conflict between them and the Christians; and as
soon as the emperors were informed of the circumstance, they issued
orders to the governor of the province to find out and punish the
delinquents. And thus the Jewish inhabitants of this place paid the
penalty for the wickedness they had committed in their impious sport."

Socrates Scholasticus
Late 4th Century
John Doherty
2011-07-08 15:23:15 UTC
I like what GB Shaw said:

"Christianity is a great idea. Too bad no one's tried it yet."
2011-07-09 00:12:20 UTC
Post by John Doherty
"Christianity is a great idea. Too bad no one's tried it yet."
Believe in ME or Burn in Hell FOREVER.

A great idea?

Fuck that shit.


Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
Dick Hurtz
2011-07-09 02:58:27 UTC
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by John Doherty
"Christianity is a great idea. Too bad no one's tried it yet."
Believe in ME or Burn in Hell FOREVER.
A great idea?
Fuck that shit.
I find it funny that Bigstick is anti-Christianity, yet is as intolerant as
any Fundy I've ever met.

Opposite in terms of religious viewpoint, identicial when it comes to
condescending attitude toward anyone who disagrees with him.
2011-07-10 13:39:02 UTC
Post by Dick Hurtz
I find it funny that Bigstick is anti-Christianity, yet is as intolerant as
any Fundy I've ever met.

I am "intolerant" of religious groups that try to mandate their beliefs into
LAW, and impose their stupid beliefs on others.

If you want to believe in a God, that lives in the sky ... and reads all of
our thoughts, fine.
I have no problem with that.
But when you try to impose that belief on others, that is when I become
"intolerant", as you say.
Post by Dick Hurtz
Opposite in terms of religious viewpoint, identicial when it comes to
condescending attitude toward anyone who disagrees with him.
In other words my argument is effective and intelligent.
I'm not going to apologize for that.


Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
Dick Hurtz
2011-07-11 02:52:06 UTC
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by Dick Hurtz
I find it funny that Bigstick is anti-Christianity, yet is as intolerant
as any Fundy I've ever met.
I am "intolerant" of religious groups that try to mandate their beliefs
into LAW, and impose their stupid beliefs on others.
Our Consitution says something about that. As does the ACLU, who are really
good at ignoring certain violations of some civil liberties and jumping all
over others, and they love to jump all over Christianity.
Post by **Bigstick**
If you want to believe in a God, that lives in the sky ... and reads all
of our thoughts, fine.
I have no problem with that.
But when you try to impose that belief on others, that is when I become
"intolerant", as you say.
I don't impose my beliefs on anyone, especially when it comes to religion.

Neither of us can prove/disprove the existence of a supreme being, yet
billions of people have died over religion. That's probably the one thing
we can agree on.
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by Dick Hurtz
Opposite in terms of religious viewpoint, identicial when it comes to
condescending attitude toward anyone who disagrees with him.
In other words my argument is effective and intelligent.
I'm not going to apologize for that.
I didn't ask you to apologize. As far as 'effective and
intelligent'....let's not get carried away.
2011-07-15 00:45:13 UTC
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by Dick Hurtz
I find it funny that Bigstick is anti-Christianity, yet is as intolerant
as any Fundy I've ever met.
I am "intolerant" of religious groups that try to mandate their beliefs
into LAW, and impose their stupid beliefs on others.
Our Consitution says something about that. As does the ACLU, who are
really good at ignoring certain violations of some civil liberties and
jumping all over others, and they love to jump all over Christianity.
I agree.
The ACLU is bias and has an agenda.
Fuck 'em!
They can suck my LIBERTARIAN, red white & blue COCK.
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by Dick Hurtz
If you want to believe in a God, that lives in the sky ... and reads all
of our thoughts, fine.
I have no problem with that.
But when you try to impose that belief on others, that is when I become
"intolerant", as you say.
I don't impose my beliefs on anyone, especially when it comes to religion.
Good, because you shouldn't try to pass off Fairy Tales as the Truth.
Post by **Bigstick**
Neither of us can prove/disprove the existence of a supreme being
The onus is on the one making the claim.
Not the other way around.
Post by **Bigstick**
yet billions of people have died over religion. That's probably the one
thing we can agree on.
Well of course.
Millions (Billions is a stretch) of people have died over fighting over
who's god is the best.
And if any of these so called gods actually exist (LOL! I just pissed my
pants), they need to be strung up, quartered, sliced and diced.
They are not worthy of a supreme being.
They need to be killed, especially the Abrahamic God of the Christians, Jews
and Mulsims.
He is a true dickwad, not to mention a complete ass hole, murderer, racist,
genocide maniac, and last but not least ... a complete piece of shit.
(I actually have read the Bible)
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by Dick Hurtz
Opposite in terms of religious viewpoint, identicial when it comes to
condescending attitude toward anyone who disagrees with him.
In other words my argument is effective and intelligent.
I'm not going to apologize for that.
I didn't ask you to apologize. As far as 'effective and
intelligent'....let's not get carried away.
Sometimes I get caught up in my exuberant silliness, and interpret my
thoughts as intelligent.
Thanks for setting me straight.

God Bless!
And I will pray for you and your family.


Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?

John Doherty
2011-07-10 17:21:18 UTC
Post by Dick Hurtz
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by John Doherty
"Christianity is a great idea. Too bad no one's tried it yet."
Believe in ME or Burn in Hell FOREVER.
A great idea?
Fuck that shit.
I find it funny that Bigstick is anti-Christianity, yet is as intolerant as
any Fundy I've ever met.
Opposite in terms of religious viewpoint, identicial when it comes to
condescending attitude toward anyone who disagrees with him.
Militant atheism is another fundamentalism, no less simple an answer
than someone who tells you Jesus is the only answer. The only
intellectually defensible position is agnosticism, at least in terms
of "knowing". When spirit comes in and some find reason to believe
that exists outside of science, that's a different sort of "proof" ,
non transferable (and sometimes even immune to actual science &

Bigstick's animus toward Christianity may not be atheism per se, but a
bitterness toward alleged "Christians" who acted otherwise in his

As a Recovering Catholic, I can understand how that happens and that's
what Shaw was talking about.

Twain said “An ethical man is a Christian holding four aces”. ;-)
2011-07-10 22:04:13 UTC
Post by John Doherty
Militant atheism is another fundamentalism, no less simple an answer
than someone who tells you Jesus is the only answer.
It's funny, and a little disturbing, how atheists / agnostics are branded
'militant' because they deny a claim.
The onus is on the one making the claim, not the other way around.
Post by John Doherty
The only intellectually defensible position is agnosticism, at least in
of "knowing".
I agree somewhat.
But are we agnostics, atheists or believers when it comes to Bigfoot, the
Abominable Snowman, Unicorns, or Martians?
At a certain point in humanity, we know that certain things do or do not
exist ... and we graduate from just "I don't know".
Post by John Doherty
Bigstick's animus toward Christianity may not be atheism per se, but a
bitterness toward alleged "Christians" who acted otherwise in his
Our 'background' / experiences in life ... is how we develop our opinions.
These experiences our passed down to future generations, and we evolve from
It's quite simple and amazing.
Post by John Doherty
As a Recovering Catholic, I can understand how that happens and that's
what Shaw was talking about.
In 2011, most intelligent humans scoff at the notion of walking into a booth
to confess their sins to a priest.
A priest who has ALL ACCESS to a GOD that will save you from HELL.

We, well most of us, know today that this is silly behavior.


Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
John Doherty
2011-07-11 01:36:31 UTC
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by John Doherty
Militant atheism is another fundamentalism, no less simple an answer
than someone who tells you Jesus is the only answer.
It's funny, and a little disturbing, how atheists / agnostics are branded
'militant' because they deny a claim.
Who brands agnostics militant? That's an oxymoron. A position of
agnosticism is one of claiming not to have the answers; how could
anyone be militant about that?

I'm speaking of atheists who think their current religious position is
the logical one that all thinking people will eventually embrace.
Quite often the most fervent atheists were quite fervent believers who
have now found a new home for their fervent belief.

I don't have the answers, but I have some good questions;-)
Dick Hurtz
2011-07-11 03:01:06 UTC
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by John Doherty
Militant atheism is another fundamentalism, no less simple an answer
than someone who tells you Jesus is the only answer.
It's funny, and a little disturbing, how atheists / agnostics are branded
'militant' because they deny a claim.
Who brands agnostics militant? That's an oxymoron. A position of
agnosticism is one of claiming not to have the answers; how could
anyone be militant about that?

I'm speaking of atheists who think their current religious position is
the logical one that all thinking people will eventually embrace.
Quite often the most fervent atheists were quite fervent believers who
have now found a new home for their fervent belief.

I don't have the answers, but I have some good questions;-)


Somebody famous once said something to the effect of "I contend we're both
atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do." Have no idea who it
was though.

Funny thing is, when I look at the original post and the link to the NY
Times article on the US prison population/length of sentence being longer
than that of other countries, I see nothing in the article where religion is
seen as an influence, cause, factor, etc. That must be Bisquick's reasoning
and I'm not sure where he draws that inference. Kind of like the Westboro
Baptist Church.....they still haven't clarified the link between
homosexuality and soldiers killed in the line of duty.
2011-07-08 23:58:59 UTC
Post by Pisano
You are as clueless about what being a Christian is as are the
idiotic people you criticize.
Post by **Bigstick**
Please Explain.
I should not have to explain something already so obviously
So, as a Christian (I'm assuming you are a Christian) you can't explain
"what being a Christian is" ?
Interesting, but not that surprising.
Most Christians don't know what the fuck they are.
And most Christians haven't even read the Bible (the book they dedicate
their lives to) in its entirety, so your answer makes sense.
Post by Pisano
Post by **Bigstick**
Because last time I checked, America was a Christian Nation.
You know ... the Christians that burned people at the stake for being a
LOr the Christians / Spaniards that invaded South America and Mexico.
You know ... the Inquisition.
This is history.
You can't re-write history.
I know it's ugly ... but fucking grow up.
Yes, and George Bush claimed to be a Christian while murdering
millions of innocent people.
God, in the Bible, murdered many more.
So 'W' has a long way to go to match his numbers.
As a matter of fact, Hitler (a Christian) can't even match God's genocide
Post by Pisano
Is really that what you think Christians do?
It's called HISTORY.
Christians have a lot of blood on their hands, and unfortunately for
Christians we have something called books and the
internet to secure their murderous ways forever.
Post by Pisano
If so, then you're far less intelligent than you think you are.
Facts are a terrible thing, especially when your group is exposed.
Post by Pisano
Post by **Bigstick**
Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
If I claimed to be a negro, would that make my skin turn dark?
That would depend on the level of SPF in your sunscreen of choice.
Post by Pisano
How many legs does a dog have, if you call his tail a leg?
Can I count his penis too?


Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
2011-07-09 01:19:39 UTC
On Fri, 8 Jul 2011 16:58:59 -0700, "**Bigstick**"
Post by **Bigstick**
Post by Pisano
You are as clueless about what being a Christian is as are the
idiotic people you criticize.
Post by **Bigstick**
Please Explain.
I should not have to explain something already so obviously
So, as a Christian (I'm assuming you are a Christian) you can't explain
"what being a Christian is" ?
Interesting, but not that surprising.
Most Christians don't know what the fuck they are.
And most Christians haven't even read the Bible (the book they dedicate
their lives to) in its entirety, so your answer makes sense.
Post by Pisano
Post by **Bigstick**
Because last time I checked, America was a Christian Nation.
You know ... the Christians that burned people at the stake for being a
LOr the Christians / Spaniards that invaded South America and Mexico.
You know ... the Inquisition.
This is history.
You can't re-write history.
I know it's ugly ... but fucking grow up.
Yes, and George Bush claimed to be a Christian while murdering
millions of innocent people.
God, in the Bible, murdered many more.
So 'W' has a long way to go to match his numbers.
As a matter of fact, Hitler (a Christian) can't even match God's genocide
Post by Pisano
Is really that what you think Christians do?
It's called HISTORY.
Christians have a lot of blood on their hands, and unfortunately for
Christians we have something called books and the
internet to secure their murderous ways forever.
Post by Pisano
If so, then you're far less intelligent than you think you are.
Facts are a terrible thing, especially when your group is exposed.
Post by Pisano
Post by **Bigstick**
Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
If I claimed to be a negro, would that make my skin turn dark?
That would depend on the level of SPF in your sunscreen of choice.
Post by Pisano
How many legs does a dog have, if you call his tail a leg?
Can I count his penis too?
Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
Thank you for proving my point.

Have a nice day.


"They are real liars and bloodhounds who have not only continually
perverted and falsified all of Scripture with their mendacious glosses
from the beginning until the present day. Their heart's most ardent
sighing and yearning and hoping is set on the day on which they can
deal with us Gentiles as they did with the Gentiles in Persia at the
time of Esther. Oh, how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is
so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous
yearning and hope. The sun has never shone on a more bloodthirsty and
vengeful people than they are who imagine that they are God's people
who have been commissioned and commanded to murder and to slay the
Gentiles. In fact, the most important thing that they expect of their
Messiah is that he will murder and kill the entire world with their
sword. They treated us Christians in this manner at the very beginning
through out all the world. They would still like to do this if they
had the power, and often enough have made the attempt, for which they
have got their snouts boxed lustily."

"Why, their Talmud and their rabbis record that it is no sin for a Jew
to kill a Gentile, but it is only a sin for him to kill a brother
Israelite. Nor is it a sin for a Jew to break his oath to a Gentile.
Likewise, they say that it is rendering God a service to steal or rob
from a Goy, as they in fact do through their usury. For since they
believe that they are the noble blood and the circumcised saints and
we the accursed Goyim, they cannot treat us too harshly or commit sin
against us, for they are the lords of the world and we are their
servants, yes, their cattle."

"Do you ask what prompts them to write this, or what is the cause of
it? You stupid, accursed Goy, why should you ask that? Does it not
satisfy you to know that this is said by the noble, circumcised
saints? Are you so slow to learn that such a holy people is exempt
from all the decrees of God and cannot sin? They may lie, blaspheme,
defame, and murder whom they will, even God himself and all his
prophets. All of this must be accounted as nothing but a fine service
rendered to God. Did I not tell you earlier that a Jew is such a
noble, precious jewel that God and all the angels dance when he farts?
And if he were to go on to do something coarser than that, they would
nevertheless expect it to be regarded as a golden Talmud. Whatever
issues from such a holy man, from above or from below, must surely be
considered by the accursed Goyim to be pure holiness."

Martin Luther (1483-1546)
"On the Jews and Their Lies" (1543)
2011-07-13 03:48:40 UTC
Post by **Bigstick**
The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population.
But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners.
Americans are locked up for crimes — from writing bad checks to using
drugs — that would rarely produce prison sentences in other countries.
And in particular they are kept incarcerated far longer than prisoners in
other nations.
(And by the way, don't raise our fucking taxes!)
Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
fuck'um, kill'em all and let God sort'um out.
