Post by Dick HurtzHow about the Blago case then? Found not guilty on all but one charge a
year ago, convicted on all but 3 charges a week ago. Do I get to change my
opinion of his case because a different jury had a different opinion?
It's not just a "different jury", it's also the Prosecution's case.
In the Blago fiasco, obviously the Prosecution improved their case the
second time around.
The Prosecution must provide evidence, without reasonable doubt to convict.
For YOU to form an intelligent opinion on any case .... YES, you must sit on
the jury, or at least be a court observer for every
minute of testimony.
If you have not witnessed every single minute of testimony of any case, your
opinion is invalid.
Post by Dick HurtzOr am I simply not allowed an opinion because I wasn't on either jury?
Your opinion is shit if you have not served on a jury for any case you wish
to opine on.
Post by Dick HurtzAnd who decides who can and who can't have an opinion, you?
In a court of law ... the judge.
In the court of public opinion ... Geraldo Rivera and his microphone.
Post by Dick HurtzAs a taxpayer in Illinois, I have a strong opinion of Blago, the job he did
as governor and the crimes he was convicted of.
Post by **Bigstick**And guess what genius .... the jury found Casey Anthony innocent of all
homicide charges.
Found 'not guilty' of homicide, not 'innocent'.
In a court of law, this is the same thing.
She was found "innocent" of the charges and case brought up against her.
It doesn't mean she didn't do it, as the Prosecution's case could have been
You could say this about any case, therefore anyone who is "not guilty" is
not necessarily "innocent" of committing said crime.
Post by Dick HurtzAnd from what the jurors are saying today, they wanted to convict her of
murder, but felt the prosecution didn't provide evidence that she comitted
the crime. So I credit the jurors for doing their job properly even though
they found her guilty of lying and probably guilty of the murder. A 'not
guilty' while holding their noses.
I don't necessarily disagree with anything you've said here.
Post by Dick HurtzPost by **Bigstick**So I guess "our justice system is broken beyond all repair" ???
Wrong, it's alive and well.
When it's tried on cable news, and Google .... by people like you ,that
is when it is broken and has become a joke and is total unjustice.
Ah, so me and millions of other people are at fault for the system being
broken, just because we formed an opinion based on the media's reporting.
Is that any different from forming an opinion when the media reports
politics or sports?
Someone is facing the death penalty when you opine on "politics" and
Give me a break.
Your comparisons are asinine.
Post by Dick HurtzIn a year, you can also blame me for Casey becoming a crackwhore and being
found dead in a cheap motel.
Also blame?
What did I blame you for?
Just an ignorant opinion ... that's all.
Stop being so dramatic.
Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred
billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?