What about Matush?
(too old to reply)
Greg Henry
2004-05-24 10:28:35 UTC
It's too bad Chris doesn't know that Matush was the chicken shit scumbag
that drove the car, and ran away as soon as the first shot was fired,
for the card game robbery in which Sunshine was killed and Furio nailed
in the leg.

However, Adrianna did mention him by name as being involved in the
murder at Crazy Horse. So to Christopher, he was part of the reason why
he found out what he didn't want to know. I say the scumbag should get
2004-05-24 12:21:16 UTC
Post by Greg Henry
It's too bad Chris doesn't know that Matush was the chicken shit scumbag
that drove the car, and ran away as soon as the first shot was fired,
for the card game robbery in which Sunshine was killed and Furio nailed
in the leg.
However, Adrianna did mention him by name as being involved in the
murder at Crazy Horse. So to Christopher, he was part of the reason why
he found out what he didn't want to know. I say the scumbag should get
If the FBI doesn't get him first for money laundering and/or funding back to

Rob Hall
2004-05-24 12:28:09 UTC
Post by StrikitRich
If the FBI doesn't get him first for money laundering and/or funding back to
Homeland Security will ship his ass to Gitmo... sounds like he's into all
that Islam shit also..
2004-05-24 16:07:08 UTC
On Mon, 24 May 2004 08:21:16 -0400, StrikitRich
Post by StrikitRich
If the FBI doesn't get him first for money laundering and/or funding back to
"His brother runs a prep school for young boys". I'll miss
Adrianna - great body, butter face, dumber than that
bartender Tony keeps beating on.
2004-05-24 18:55:02 UTC
Post by Yertle
Post by StrikitRich
If the FBI doesn't get him first for money laundering and/or funding back to
"His brother runs a prep school for young boys". I'll miss
Adrianna - great body, butter face, dumber than that
bartender Tony keeps beating on.
Seriously. That little story was fucking hilarious - a drug dealer "finds
religion" and sends money to a brother in Pakistan who runs a "prep school
for young boys." I can almost see Matouch doing the little finger quotes
and winking as he tells this shit to Ade. Of course it really moves her and
makes her think he's a good dude. Hilarious.
Redacted FOIA
2004-05-25 11:08:29 UTC
Post by StrikitRich
If the FBI doesn't get him first for money laundering and/or funding back to
This character is an Ex-dealin' Jew.

An Israeli.

Of course less than ten percent of Sopranos viewers know this.

I doubt ten percent of Americans know that Ecstasy is an
Israeli dominated (and created) drug trade.

Anything negative about Jews is absent from the media.

How many Jews are doing life in American prisons for dealing

You lost a finger on your right hand in an accident? No problemo!
You've got more fingers on that hand then you need to answer the

This message was posted via two or more anonymous remailing services.
2004-05-25 12:46:02 UTC
Post by Redacted FOIA
This character is an Ex-dealin' Jew.
An Israeli.
I've got to go dig up S2 or 3, but if I remember right the Israeli ecstacy
connection was a different guy was with Matush when they asked Jackie Jr.
if they could sell at the club. Not Matush.

2004-05-24 14:17:56 UTC
Post by Greg Henry
It's too bad Chris doesn't know that Matush was the chicken shit scumbag
that drove the car, and ran away as soon as the first shot was fired,
for the card game robbery in which Sunshine was killed and Furio nailed
in the leg.
However, Adrianna did mention him by name as being involved in the
murder at Crazy Horse. So to Christopher, he was part of the reason why
he found out what he didn't want to know. I say the scumbag should get
Not only that, they can whack Matush and maybe frame him (for Soprano family
splainin' purposes) for killing Ade to cover up his own crimes.